Our Philosophy

At Central Shoalhaven Mobile Preschool, the education and wellbeing of the children in our care is paramount.

CSMP recognises that each child is unique and brings with them their own stories and view of the world. We recognise and value families as the first teachers of their children and celebrate the diversity of families in our communities. We promote access and inclusion and strive towards providing learning environments that are welcoming to all. We aim to consider cultural awareness, sustainability and mindfulness.

Our quality educational programs and practice are child focussed and based on a holistic approach to early childhood education that values the development of physical skills, creativity, emotional understanding, social skills, cognitive ability, and environmental awareness.

We believe that young children should be active participants in their own learning and that they learn through a combination of modelling, targeted instruction, and through the words of children, ‘lots of play.’ Play at preschool gives children the opportunity to communicate their ideas and consider the perspective of others. Play allows children to practice skills, problem solve and discover new challenges.

CSMP strives to build and maintain respectful connections and partnerships within our preschool and in the communities in which we operate.

We provide a friendly and supportive place in the Shoalhaven where children can learn and grow through play.

Our vision is to work in partnership with families and the community to promote the holistic development of young children in order to equip them with skills, happiness, confidence, kindness and a love of learning.

CSMP values child focussed early childhood education that is centred around play. In our preschool we celebrate and foster respect, kindness, inclusion, creativity, collaboration, safety, and caring for our community and the environment.